Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Case of the Golden Necklace

The Following is from
Some media outlets picked up a sensational discovery made in Peru that was announced on March 31, 2008 by a group of U.S. archaeologists: In a crude burial site high in the Andean mountains, they found next to a crumbling skull a beautiful golden necklace consisting of nine golden cylindrical ‘beads’ separated by green colored rings made of semi-precious stone.

The sensation: C-14 dating dated the burial to 2155 B.C. – a time when the primitive “hunters-gatherers in the Andes” could not possibly have the metallurgical and other ability to make the necklace! Voicing their amazement, the archaeologists suggested that the find may have to alter current perceptions of the abilities of “primitive people” etc, etc.

“Ken” from Missouri City, Texas, who has sent a printout to me, added his notation: “Why don't they do the math? 2 + 2 = Sitchin + Anunnaki.” Why? Because the find was made at a site near Lake Titicaca - and in my books I wrote that after the Deluge the Anunnaki transferred their gold-obtaining operation to that region, bringing over by 3000 B.C. expert miners and metallurgists from the ancient Near East. (See especially The Lost Realms).

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